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Location: Wheatland, California, United States

I'm a mom. I'm a civil servant. I have a sense of humor, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Monday, February 04, 2008

I'm Sorry, Patriots Fans

It's my fault.

I accept full responsibility.

I hadn't decided until the pre-game show who I was going to root for. Then, during the pre-game show, the ediorial on Junior came on. I loved the piece, and made my decision to get behind the Patriots.

Only, there's more to it than that.

See, I have never EVER picked the right team to win Super Bowl. I can pick winning teams all during regular season, and even during post-season. But at the Super Bowl?


In the past, I've always attributed it to the fact that, for the big game at least, I typically want the under-dog to win. Typically, they don't.

This time, I went for the favorite at the last minute.

I even told hubby after I made my choice that I felt bad because it meant they were going to lose.

Hubby essentially told me I was full of shit.

As is usually the case at our house, whoever I root for, Hubby will pick the other team.

After the game was over, Hubby looked at me and kinda laughed.

"You were right. You do suck."

So, there you have it. I take full responsibility for the Patriots loss.


Blogger Kal said...

So it was you! Damn you!

Actually, it was me... I didn't stand through most of the game and that's the position I have to be in for them to win in 2008...

February 04, 2008 12:15 PM  
Blogger Callie said...


So, in order for the Patriots to win next year, I have to root for the other guy, and you have to stand through the entire game.

Makes total sense to me.

February 04, 2008 12:22 PM  
Blogger Ookami Snow said...

Lets go back in time, and this time feel sorry for Eli Manning.

But I too will have to take some responsibility... Every year we have Tecmo Super Bowl (old Super Nintendo game) play a simulation of the game while the pregame is on, and every year it picks the winner, this year it said New York was going to win. We laughed that it was wrong this year... Tecmo doesn't lie.

February 04, 2008 1:39 PM  
Blogger The Wonder Worrier said...

It was either one of your three, or my mother.

My dad and youngest brother are the football fanatics in my household, however they don't cheer for the same team (Dad is Green Bay hardcore, and Scottie is a Seattle Seahawks fan). So, for a joke our entire house has picked favourite football teams and NONE of us are cheering for the same team.

Just last summer, my mother chose New England because it has lovely "antiquing" there. LOL. You can see she doesn't follow sports (although she did pick one hell of a 'random' team, haha).

She has never ONCE watched New England play. So last night, she took my grandma out to the casino instead of watching the Superbowl because she said, "I've never seen them play and they always win, so I can't watch them play the Superbowl!".

Last night, :49 seconds left in the game, who calls us at home but my mother. New England was winning at the time and she says, "I'm just standing here watching the last forty minutes of the game..." and literally a few seconds later, the Giants got that touchdown...

She's now CERTAIN that she's the reason they lost. LOL.

February 04, 2008 4:13 PM  
Blogger The Wonder Worrier said...

And by forty minutes, I definitely meant to type 'forty seconds'. But I'm sure you got that. LOL.

February 04, 2008 4:14 PM  
Blogger limpy99 said...

I think it was probably more the Patriot offensive line's sudden inability to get in the way of the large men who wanted to molest their quarterback, but sure, let's go with it was your fault.

February 05, 2008 9:58 AM  
Blogger Lady K said...

LOL LOL no matter who won, it was a lame superbowl. Even lamer still is the fact that it fucked up traffic down here for DAYS. I guess I should be grateful for the economic boost though, right?

Even the commercials were lame this year! I'm still not gonna blame you. hee hee!

February 05, 2008 12:28 PM  
Blogger MYSTIC said...

I put my money on the Pats so I guess you owe me some money...I take IOUs.

February 05, 2008 12:42 PM  
Blogger Callie said...

Okay Mystic -



Lady - I actually thought about you while the game was happening. Hope it didn't mess things up too much.

Limpy - hubby thinks that by the end of the game, all the Giant's defense had to do was give Brady mean looks, and he'd throw the ball to no one.

Stephie - I think your mother and I have the same luck. Sorry!

Ookami - always trust Tecmo. It uses the force. :o)

February 05, 2008 5:47 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

I was wondering how it happened. This explains it.

I do feel bummed about Junior S not getting a ring.

Its funny. We played the SB on Madden 2007 and it had NY win, too.

February 08, 2008 8:17 PM  

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