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Location: Wheatland, California, United States

I'm a mom. I'm a civil servant. I have a sense of humor, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Oh yeah - I have a blog . . . .

Sorry - long time, no post.

Not much happening. Work is work. Home is wonderful. Kids are healthy. Hubby is as good looking as ever.

Hope everyone here in the States had a good Thanksgiving. We had a nice, quiet day to ourselves. That's the good thing about living far away from relatives. Aparently, it's a pain in the ass to drive on holidays. Who'd have guessed?? *whistles innocently*

Well, now we're sliding into Christmas, and I'm out there joining all the crazy holiday shoppers - looking for the best deal on all the crazy stuff the kids just NEED to have.

You know what I hate most about living in California? I mean - aside from the insane governor, and the taxes that just about leave you penniless, and the laws that make it illegal to do anything fun. What I hate most AFTER all that is that it doesn't get cold enough before Christmas. I mean - we have winter. Sort of. It usually starts sometime in January, and runs till about early March. We'll get some wind, and some rain, and sometimes a little hail. But no snow. Shoot, sometimes we barely get any rain. It's all blue sky and sunny outside right now, and I'm sorry - but that's just not Christmas-y. I have a bunch of cute Christmas-type outfits, but I can't wear them. It's not cold enough. I refuse to run around in a red and gold spangly sweater with sweat stains on it. Just won't happen. But I WANT to wear that stuff. And how stupid would I look with my bright green sweatshirt with a snowman wearing a santa hat in February????

Okay - now that I have THAT off my chest - how's everyone else doing??


Blogger MYSTIC said...

I'm still trying to comprehend why anyone would stay where it is hot...go to the mountains for Christmas. I will be near Santa Ana for New Year does that count?

December 02, 2009 4:04 PM  
Anonymous Seraphine said...

having grown up in idaho, in the middle of snow country, i love living in california. you forget how truly cold it gets in the mountains in winter, until you go back.
but wow, this indian summer weather we've been having is unreal. not "sweat-stained sweater" warm, but its the most beautiful fall weather i have ever seen. it doesn't seem christmassy yet at all.
but i saw a car with a christmas tree tied to the roof today.
i think i'm going to get the christmas decorations up this weekend. that always puts me in the mood.

December 02, 2009 7:42 PM  
Blogger The Wonder Worrier said...

While I may complain about our cold, snowy winters, I will admit: I don't know how I'd ever be able to live somewhere without these changing seasons. I actually love when the winter snow comes along and I can wear my cozy boots and my scarves and mittens and frolick in the snow. It's getting cold here, but we also haven't had snowy, wintery weather yet... I do hope we'll have a white christmas.

I don't like snowstorms, or when the roads get so icy that driving is dangerous, but otherwise, I like having a distinct wintertime.

December 03, 2009 3:44 PM  

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