Yeah - I know . . .
I haven't updated for almost a month.
I have no excuse, other than the fact that I'm lazy. Well, that and I don't want to post at work, due to the fact that the IT Department aparently runs audits of the accounts.
Let's see . . . what have we done lately?
Well, we got word that hubby's dad was in bad shape, so we dropped everything and ran down to Los Angeles. We spent four days there, and I came to the realization that: 1) my husband is the only person worth anything in his immediate family, and 2) there is a reason I don't associate with anyone in my extended family. I don't mind cooking for others when I volunteer for it. It's another thing entirely when I'm expected to do it. I tend to get a little rankled.
Pop-in-law seems to be doing better. He had surgery, and is recovering. We're still ready to drop everything at a moment's notice, but we're breathing a little easier now.
The kids started school at the end of August, and we're getting back into the swing of things. Kidlet is enjoying eighth grade - it's her final year before we ship her off to the big bad high school. She may even have a real boyfriend soon. One of her best friends is starting to become . . . more than a friend. He's so cute. He bought her a balloon bouquet for her 13th birthday. Awwww!
Munchkin, meanwhile, is wowing her first grade teacher. She already has all her sight words for the year figured out. She's in the highest reading group, and can do a week's worth of homework in about 15 minutes.
Before school started, however, we went to the State Fair. So much fun! I'm including some pictures we took. We decided to go on Kids' Day - so all the rides were $1.
Can't beat that! I bought about $60 worth of tickets, and we just went to town. Spent about 7 hours there, doing nothing but eating junk food, riding the rides, playing the games.
It was so much fun. One of the rides we went on was this boat ride. Each boat was equipped with three water cannons. So, Daddy and Kidlet were on one boat, and Munchkin and I were on another boat. For five to ten minutes, we just soaked each other!!!! The one picture of the girls and I where we look like we've just fallen into a lake?
Yeah - that's the one. That was taken just after that boat ride. We looked like that for an hour!
Kidlet turned 13 last month. So, it's official. I'm now the mother of a teenager. Please pray for
me. LOL. Daddy got her REAL jewelery for her birthday (some black hills gold). I got her a Nintendo DS. She hasn't put it down since.
Not much else going on. State of California's legislators are complete morons who can't pull their heads out of there asses for 10 minutes and see what their grandstanding is doing for the state. The whole minimum wage deal is supposed to go in front of the courts next week. So, if the judge says it's okay for Arnie to pay us $6.55 per hour, that's what I get paid for the month of September. Meanwhile, the idiots who are supposed to be working on our budget have decided to not do their jobs, and go to the Democratic and Repubican conventions. Because, you know, having a party is so much more important than . . . I don't know . . . figuring out a spending plan for one of the largest economies in the world. I try not to get too political, but I swear I'm going to try to buy billboard space up and down the entire state to urge voters to not re-elect any of the incumbents for the next three voting cycles. Fucking assholes are getting paid over $100 per day in per diem for every day they work past 6/30. They're not doing their jobs, and taking a blase attitude about how their failures are affecting everyone in the state.
Okay, I have my wine. I'm drinking my wine . . . calming down . . . Alright. I'm okay.
So - such is my life. Go ahead and tell me how completely adorable my kids are. I can take it.
I have no excuse, other than the fact that I'm lazy. Well, that and I don't want to post at work, due to the fact that the IT Department aparently runs audits of the accounts.
Let's see . . . what have we done lately?
Well, we got word that hubby's dad was in bad shape, so we dropped everything and ran down to Los Angeles. We spent four days there, and I came to the realization that: 1) my husband is the only person worth anything in his immediate family, and 2) there is a reason I don't associate with anyone in my extended family. I don't mind cooking for others when I volunteer for it. It's another thing entirely when I'm expected to do it. I tend to get a little rankled.
Pop-in-law seems to be doing better. He had surgery, and is recovering. We're still ready to drop everything at a moment's notice, but we're breathing a little easier now.
The kids started school at the end of August, and we're getting back into the swing of things. Kidlet is enjoying eighth grade - it's her final year before we ship her off to the big bad high school. She may even have a real boyfriend soon. One of her best friends is starting to become . . . more than a friend. He's so cute. He bought her a balloon bouquet for her 13th birthday. Awwww!
Before school started, however, we went to the State Fair. So much fun! I'm including some pictures we took. We decided to go on Kids' Day - so all the rides were $1.
Kidlet turned 13 last month. So, it's official. I'm now the mother of a teenager. Please pray for
Not much else going on. State of California's legislators are complete morons who can't pull their heads out of there asses for 10 minutes and see what their grandstanding is doing for the state. The whole minimum wage deal is supposed to go in front of the courts next week. So, if the judge says it's okay for Arnie to pay us $6.55 per hour, that's what I get paid for the month of September. Meanwhile, the idiots who are supposed to be working on our budget have decided to not do their jobs, and go to the Democratic and Repubican conventions. Because, you know, having a party is so much more important than . . . I don't know . . . figuring out a spending plan for one of the largest economies in the world. I try not to get too political, but I swear I'm going to try to buy billboard space up and down the entire state to urge voters to not re-elect any of the incumbents for the next three voting cycles. Fucking assholes are getting paid over $100 per day in per diem for every day they work past 6/30. They're not doing their jobs, and taking a blase attitude about how their failures are affecting everyone in the state.
Okay, I have my wine. I'm drinking my wine . . . calming down . . . Alright. I'm okay.
So - such is my life. Go ahead and tell me how completely adorable my kids are. I can take it.
Your kids are adorable but you already know that...You know Bettina always has some spare wine and she wants to go to Ireland for a beer with me. This has the makings of one great party.
Do tell LOWK that I'm glad his dad is doing better.
I would do some of my man cave comments about cooking breakfast but I don't want to die just yet.
Your girls are beautiful, you should be proud...even when they are soaking wet...
Thank you Mystic!
I'll join you guys for that party - and I'll be sure to bring Lowk along, as well.
Your kids are ab-so-lute-ly adorable, Callie! Very, very beautiful- and smart too. You must be so proud of them. And just wait- you will have to beat off the boys with sticks soon.
Yay, did I hear the word party? And wine? What are we waiting for?
Well . . . I've already started with the wine. It's a wine cooler, actually. Still trying to get used to the taste of red wine. I find I can handle it if I throw in some sparkling soda . . .
Actually, I think Mystic was saying something about Ireland. That sounds like a party I can handle. Give me a good shot of Irish Whiskey. YUM.
Your kids aren't adorable, they're GORGEOUS!
Oh, and so are you, by the way. :)
My thoughts, exactly, Penny. They ARE gorgeous!
But then, look at the gene pool...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it??
Chewbacca is shorter than I thought.
Don't let their angel faces fool you. They are terrors!! Living Terrors!!! I think they get it from ther mothers side of the family.
Welcome back. Hope all stays better with lowk's dad. Your kids are cute as hell [I think I know where they get it ;)]. And, as for the self important politicians...@#$%^@*$##@*#*$*@*$*$*@*$**$*@**$*@*$%*!!!!!! That's what I have to say about that.
Thanks guys! You're making me blush. :-)
And don't you believe Lowk. They're not terrors . . . most of the time.
Callie, with all due respect: sparkling soda into red wine? Now that's just not right. I think you need to come and hang out with me for a bit and I will teach you to drink red wine properly. With none of this sparkling soda stuff. That's a crime.
Callie, whatever you do, DON'T try to keep up if you end up drinking with any of the Irish. It doesn't end up well. Trust me.
Callie, Your daughters are beautiful, and I can imagine U R 2!
(( Love ))
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