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Location: Wheatland, California, United States

I'm a mom. I'm a civil servant. I have a sense of humor, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Take THAT, Mr. Lard-A$$ Former Boss

The excerpt below was stolen from MSN Health

"10 Secrets of the Effortlessly Thin
They move, stand and fidget more. "Thin people are rarely sitting," says Fleming. Beyond their regular fitness routines, they simply move around more—and consequently burn more calories—throughout the day. And a study at the Mayo Clinic confirmed this: Researchers found that on average, a group of lean subjects sat for two hours a day less than the obese subjects, potentially burning up to 350 additional calories. "

When I was 19, I worked for a local construction-type firm. The work was fairly easy, and I was in charge of the billing for two of the offices (one in Petaluma, one in Reno). Now, the way I have always worked is - I finish a task all the way through, so I don't have anything lingering that I will forget to do. If I had an invoice I needed to fax to the field office after I printed it, I would do it right away. I'd post the charge, fax, file everything away, then start on my next task. Very efficient, in my mind.

Apparently, not so much to the President of the company. He actually spent a morning spying on me from his office. He brought me in right after lunch, and proceeded to detail my every move that morning. I left my desk 9 different times, and he detailed the amount of time I was gone from my desk each time. I was flabbergasted. This man made how much money, and he was doing what with his time? I gave him a detailed accounting of my activities each time I was gone from my desk (I faxed a document, I made copies, I got coffee, I went to the bathroom, I am allowed a break, etc). After detailing all my sojourns, he informed me that, in the future, I am to hold all my copies for one trip at the end of the day. Same with faxing. In his mind, he paid me to sit at my desk and work. Never mind the fact that I was the one bookkeeper who actually balanced her books before everyone else, and had NEVER been late with my end of month reconciliations. Also never mind the fact that I always balanced. Every single month. No other bookkeeper had that record, not even my supervisor. See, I was costing him money because I was making copies.

My supervisor wasn't too happy with me the next day when I asked her permission to go to the bathroom. She told me I was taking it too far. Needless to say, I wasn't at that establishment too much longer. Something about my attitude . . .

A few years later, I found out that the President of the company died of a massive heart attack. Now, I don't wish ill on anyone. However, I wasn't heartbroken about it either. Maybe if he'd gotten off his fat butt to go make copies a few times a day, he might still be around today.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go make some copies.



Blogger Ookami Snow said...

You: "I got up out of my seat 9 times?"
Him: "Yup, counted each one."
You: "Wow, how many times did I flip you off?"
Him: "Um... none?"
You: "No, once."
Him: "When?"
You: "Now", *Middle finger salute*

April 13, 2009 2:23 PM  
Blogger Callie said...


Yup - that's exactly how I felt. What got me is that he was so SERIOUS about my leaving my desk that many times in 4 hours. It was like I had committed a sin. Completely insane.

April 13, 2009 2:34 PM  
Blogger The Wonder Worrier said...

Wow, what a story! That's crazy. Good for you though for staying so wickedly, effortlessly, thin!

April 13, 2009 4:40 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

That is completely nucking futs.

Are you sure lard ass wasn't a lawyer? That seems a very lawyer-ish thing to do.

April 13, 2009 5:18 PM  
Blogger Callie said...

Stephie - Well, I'm not thin by any stretch of the imagination. However, I'm certainly in better shape than HE was, let me tell you.

Penny - No - he was just a stupid man who was lucky enough during a construction boom to have a related company. Once construction slowed down, he ran his company into the ground. The place declared bankruptcy not too long after I was canned.

April 14, 2009 8:16 AM  

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